
1. 负责石墨部件在机加工过程中各个工序中的首件检验、过程检验和最终检验,及时识别、发现和记录发生的质量问题,防止不合格品流入下道工序或客户处。
2. 根据产品质量验收标准,对外购件实施进货检验并记录。
3. 在总装过程中进行巡检,并在总装完成后进行最后的整体检验。
4. 检验承压石墨部件的渗漏测试和整体的水压试验,并记录;负责石墨管的压力试验和渗漏试验,并记录。
5. 根据产品可追溯性规定,对整个生产过程进行可追溯性控制,纠正其不符合行为。
6. 跟踪不合格品的处理。
7. 能够适应外地出差,在供应商处对钢制件等产品进行检验。


1. 大专及以上学历
2. 三年以上机械加工产品质量控制和产品检验经验
3. 有量具日常维护工作经验更佳
4. 熟练使用卡尺、测厚仪等各种量器具
5. 有很好的机械加工和设备总装图纸阅读能力

Our promise:

Your personal contribution is crucial to our success. With us, you'll find opportunities for both personal and professional growth. Together, we will foster a culture where values-based interactions are just as important as performance and results. As a leader, you will help create a working environment where leading people with passion creates value and motivation!

Be part of our leadership team!

As one of the world's leading companies in developing and manufacturing specialty graphite, carbon fibers, and composite materials, we create innovative solutions for today's major challenges: mobility, energy, and digitalization.
With around 4,800 employees across 29 sites worldwide, we are dedicated to shaping the future through our products and technologies. Our work not only advances industry but also benefits society and reduces environmental impact. 

Join us, lead with passion and make a difference!

We strongly encourage all qualified applicants to apply, regardless of gender, age, disability, origin, religion, or sexual orientation.

日期:  2025年3月5日

Shanghai, SH, CN, 201-401

业务单位:  Process Technology
法人实体:  SGL CARBON Graphite Technic Ltd.
设施:  质量
职位类型:  全职